Millie (February 2022)
About the project:
Millie's practise focuses on rave culture and its social history.
When using the kiosk, Millie transformed it into a space that encapsulated certain aspects of rave culture
"My art is a homage to my hometown, the musical cultures which originated there and the communities on which they are built. I want to bring to light the essence of a subculture which is borne of underprivileged communities within my home, the North-East. The subject of my art is not specifically poverty; however, we cannot have one without the other and as we delve deeper into my art, we realise the cause and effect. This therefore leads to a political aspect which I feel brings a deeper meaning to what I do. This is important to me as I attempt to show the scene for what it is, a family. Becoming a part of the underground scene was invigorating, whilst coupled with the realisation that this incredible community is widely unknown."