Hair Salon
Frankie Mazzotta (December 2021)
Artist's statement:
Frankie Mazzotta reimagined the kiosk as a hair salon. The project was inspired by a conversation they had with their friends about what it's like getting a haircut as a queer person. Having to get something more feminine or masculine than you want because the hairdresser doesn't quite get what you mean, being too uncomfortable to correct someone or say you don't like your haircut, and what Frankie found to be a very common experience - cutting you own hair in order to avoid all that.
In this project, Frankie invited people into their hair salon for a haircut. It created a space where conversion about identity and self-expression happened very freely. This performance took place over a couple of hours and involved 17 people who all got their haircut, or cut Frankie's hair instead.